Most notably, Tucson Indian Jewelry begins business in 1990, right here in Tucson, Arizona. Most noteworthy, the vast majority of the Navajo Nation is in Arizona. Additionally, the Hopi Nation is exclusively in Arizona. Also, the Zuni and Santo Domingo live nearby.
Consequently, we specialize in selling authentic Native American Indian Jewelry from the Southwest United States. That is to say, most of our jewelry is vintage in nature. Another key point, although we also sell jewelry of nearby tribes including Hopi, Zuni, and Santo Domingo. However, the vast majority of the jewelry we sell is Navajo. To see examples of our Navajo jewelry, please click Here. You can also buy our Navajo turquoise by visiting Tucson Indian

To enumerate, we also offer 24 hour a day shopping through In fact, you can shop our brick and mortar store in Tucson, Arizona “American Antique Mall ”
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